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Sign up for adoption is between citizens who are adopted, Vietnam sojourn abroad with children are adopted Vietnam’s citizens temporarily residing abroad


The order of execution 

​ ​ ​ ​
​Name step Description step
​1. Adopters must directly apply for adoption at the headquarters of missions where theregistration of adoptions.
(See list of missions with consular functionsfor more detailed information about the address and time of filing and receiving results)
​2. Before signing up for adoptionsconsularofficialscivil status must check and verify thefollowing contents:
a) The voluntariness of giving and adoption;
b) Status of the adopter;
cThe purpose of adoption.
The duration test, verify the content on not more than 5 days from the date of receipt of avalid applicationWhere further clarification is neededthe time limit is extended by no more than 5 days.
After the said periodif finding work for andadoption are eligible under the provisions ofthe Law on Marriage and Family, theregistered representative agency adoptions.
3. When registering adoptionspartypartiesmust be present for adoptionif the adoptionis full 9 years or oldermust also be present.


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​
Ingredients Profile
​1. Paper and agreement on the adoption (in the prescribed form).
Paper and agreement on the adoption must be the father, mother and the adopter set, including in the case of natural parents divorced. In the event a party one parent has died, lost the capacity for civil acts or limited capacity for civil acts, just signed by the other; if both father and mother are dead, lost the capacity for civil acts or limited capacity for civil acts, the person or organization guardians of children rather natural parents for signing the agreement. For children living in nurturing establishments that do not identify the address of the natural parents, the representatives of the fostering establishments for signing the agreement.
If the adoption is full 9 years and older, the paper agreed to have his opinion on the consent for adoption, unless that person is incapacitated or limited civil civil act capacity.
In cases where the adoption was not resident in the country where the adoption registration shall agree on the certificate for adoption and must be certified by the Vietnam representative agencies or authorities of the commune where the recipient adoption of such persons reside are eligible adoption under the provisions of the Law on Marriage and family.
​2. Copies of birth certificates of adopted persons.
​3. The minutes confirm the status of abandonmentif people adoptedthe abandoned children.
Number of records
One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Name form, declaration form
Documents specified
​BMForadoption Download Form1-Document.doc Download
Licenseagreement, adoption-BTP-NG-HT-2007-CN.1​ Download
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