Embassy of Vietnam in UK

Vietnam visa in United Kingdom

Renunciation of citizenship Vietnam representative offices in Vietnam abroad


The order of execution

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​Name step
Description step
​1. Submit Apply at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of missions with consular functionson the electronic portal of consular affairslanhsuvietnam.gov.vn to know detailed information about the address and time offiling and receiving results)
2. Receiving records Agency representatives to record it in theApplication renunciation granted to the applicant profile reception cardsIf the dossier is incomplete, invalid, therepresentative agency guidance to the applicants added, finishing as prescribed byVietnam Nationality Law of 2008 and theguiding text.
3. Verification ofdocuments
Agency representatives perform the verification records for renunciation of nationality Vietnam to examine the legality ofthe documents in the dossier and the authenticity of the information on thenationality renunciation VietnamAgencyrepresentatives suggested the competentauthorities checkverify if there are unclear,imprecise name, addressfamily relations,nationality relinquishment purpose Vietnam orother relevant information.
​4. Records classification Agency representatives cataloging the papers included in each profile and classifiedrecords exempt personal verification as provided for in Article 30 of the Law onNationality of Vietnam and dossiers subjectneeds to verify personalIf the dossiernationality relinquishment Vietnam exemptpersonal verification, the duration of theguarantee documents for foreign citizenshipmust remain at least 120 days from the date of receipt of the application; Free event noverification procedures, the time limitpersonal must remain at least 150 days from the date of receipt of the dossier.
5. Transfer records Representative body (through the Ministry of Foreign Affairsto the Ministry of Justiceproposed text is accompanied by a list of theproposed settlement and applying forrenunciation VietnamText suggestions about solving the nationality renunciation profileVietnam sent to the Ministry of Justice and e-mail address of the Ministry of Justice:quoctich@moj.gov.vn.
​6. Processing documents After receiving the written proposal isaccompanied by a list of persons proposedsettlement and applying for renunciation of Vietnam, the Ministry of Justice recorded in the receiving records and published a list of people to be the proposed settlement of thenationality on the Portal of the Ministry of JusticeMinistry of Justice updated scheduleresults in settlement documents were published list.
​7. Notification of results Agency representatives announced the results in writing to the applicant on the resolution for the renunciation Vietnam


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​
Ingredients Profile
​1. An application for renunciation Vietnam
​2. Curriculum vitae
​3. Copy of Passport Vietnamcivil identity card or one of the followingother documents evidencing the value nationality Vietnam:
– Birth certificate; Birth certificate case does not clearly show the nationality Vietnam must be accompanied by proof of Vietnamnationality of the parents;
 Decision to citizenship VietnamDecision to return nationalityVietnamDecision recognizing the adoption of foreign children,Decision to foreigners to adopt children as human Vietnam feed.
4. Written certification or assurance of the competent authority of a foreign country who are doing the procedures of foreign citizenship, unless the law of that country does not provide for the granting ofthisWhere the renunciation of nationality Vietnam has foreign citizenship shall submit a copy of passport or other identity papersissued by the competent authority of a foreign country to prove the person is a foreign citizen.
Number of records Three (03) item.
Form, declaration form​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified
Name form, declaration form
Renunciation of citizenship Vietnam representative offices in Vietnam abroad Download
Application for renunciation Vietnam for minors Download
Application for renunciation Vietnam Download
Profile declarations​​ Download
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