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Registration of marriages between Vietnam citizens residing abroad and foreigners in Vietnam representative agencies abroad


The order of execution 

​ ​ ​ ​
​Name step Description step
​1. Apply in person at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of missions with consular functionsfor more detailed information about the address and time of filing and receiving results)
​2. Perform live interview at the headquarters of the representative mission to the men andwomen to examine and clarify the voluntariness of marriagethe ability to communicate in a common language andlevel of understanding of the plight oftogetherThe interview must be made in writingInterviewers must state their opinions and suggestions and sign interview records
3. Agency representative listed the marriage of07 consecutive days at their offices
​4. Agency representatives review records, if anyunclear points need to verify the power of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consular Department or Agency shelter representativeof the applicant (if staying in another country)
​5. The marriage registration ceremony is heldwithin 07 days from the day the head of the representative mission to sign the marriagecertificateunless there is good reason thatthe person concerned has other requirementson time , but not more than 90 daysThisexpiry of the involved parties request the organization of marriage registrationceremony, they must restart the proceduresfor marriage registrationThe two partiesmust be present to sign the marriagecertificate and the register of marriages.


Ingredients Profile

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Ingredients Profile
​1. Profile Registration of marriages between Vietnamese citizensresiding abroad and foreigners (just in case local authorities do notregister their marriage):
– The declaration of marriage registration in the prescribed form;
​2. – Certificate of the marital status of each partyby the competentauthority of the country where the applicant is a citizen married for less than 06 months, as of the date of receipt, which states that the person concerned is no husband or no husband.
In cases where the law of the country where the applicant is a citizenmarried no provisions granting a certificate of marital status, thecertificate can replace marital status certification by the oath of the party is out now they do not have a wife or husband, in accordance with the law of that State;
​3. – Certificate of health organizations competent in Vietnam oroverseas, within 06 months, as of the date of receipt, which states that he is not suffering from mental diseases or other diseases that can not be awarenessto master their acts;
​4. – A copy of a notarized or certified passport or alternative papers likepassport or residence permit;
​5. A notarized copy or certified household registration book or certificate of residence.
​6. In addition to the documents specified abovefor citizens of Vietnamare serving in the armed forces or work directly related to State secrets, they must submit a certificate by the agencies and organizations Central management sector or provincial level,confirming that the marriage with a foreigner does not affect the protection of State secrets or is not contrary to the provisions of thisindustry
Number of records
One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified
Name form, declaration form
Registration of marriages between Vietnam citizensresiding abroad and foreigners Download
The declaration of marriage registration BTP-NG-HT-2007-KH.3 Download
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